Dim n As Integer, m As Integer 'n列 x m格
Dim a(100, 100) As Integer '假設最大為 100x100
Private Sub Form1_Load( . . .) Handles MyBase.Load
FileOpen(1, "in.txt", OpenMode.Input)
FileOpen(3, "out.txt", OpenMode.Output)
For fn = 1 To 1
If fn > 1 Then PrintLine(3) ' 第2個檔 in2 與 in1 之間換行
Dim t As Short = LineInput(fn) ' t 筆
For k = 1 To t
Dim nm() = LineInput(fn).Split(" ") ' n x m 油田 @油、*非
n = nm(0) : m = nm(1)
' 讀入:將@轉為1、*轉為0 => a(i,j)
For i = 1 To n
Dim line = LineInput(fn) ' 讀入一行
For j = 1 To m
If (Mid(line, j, 1) = "@") Then a(i, j) = 1
Next j
Next i
Dim ans = 0, mcnt = 0
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
If a(i, j) = 1 Then '有1處油,以 dfs 遍歷此處
ans += 1
Dim cnt = 0
dfs(i, j, cnt)
If cnt > mcnt Then mcnt = cnt '此處的數量較大,設為mcnt
End If
PrintLine(3, ans & " " & mcnt)
Next k
Next fn
End Sub
Dim di() As Integer = {-1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1} ' 上,下,左,右,左上,左下,右上,右下
Dim dj() As Integer = {0, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1}
Sub dfs(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer, ByRef cnt As Integer)
a(i, j) = 0 : cnt += 1
For d = 0 To 7 '八個方向 找 a(ni,nj) = 1
Dim ni As Integer = i + di(d), nj As Integer = j + dj(d)
If ni < 1 Or ni > n Or nj < 1 Or nj > m Then Continue For
If a(ni, nj) = 1 Then ' a(ni,nj)=1 :可擴散
dfs(ni, nj, cnt) ' 遞迴呼叫
End If
End Sub
in.txt 輸入檔
1 1
3 5
1 8
5 5
out.txt 輸出檔
0 0
1 5
2 2
2 8
0 意見: