Dim a(100, 100) As Integer '假設最大為 100x100
Private Sub Form1_Load( . . . ) Handles MyBase.Load
FileOpen(1, "in.txt", OpenMode.Input)
FileOpen(3, "out.txt", OpenMode.Output)
For fn = 1 To 1
If fn > 1 Then PrintLine(3) ' 第2個檔 in2 與 in1 之間換行
Dim t As Short = LineInput(fn) ' t 筆
For k = 1 To t
n = LineInput(fn) ' n x n 迷宮
' 讀入:將#轉為-1、.轉為0 => a(i,j)
For i = 1 To n
Dim line = LineInput(fn) ' 讀入一行
For j = 1 To n
If (Mid(line, j, 1) = "#") Then a(i, j) = -1
Next j
Next i
Dim ans = maze(2, 2, n - 1, n - 1)
If (ans > 0) Then
PrintLine(3, "" & ans)
PrintLine(3, "No solution!")
End If
Next k
Next fn
End Sub
Dim dy() As Integer = {-1, 1, 0, 0} ' 上 下 左 右 的列位移(y座標)
Dim dx() As Integer = {0, 0, -1, 1} ' 行位移(x座標)
Function maze(ByVal sy As Integer, ByVal sx As Integer, ByVal gy As Integer, ByVal gx As Integer) As Integer '這是接上一行
If sy = gy And sx = gx Then '起點
If a(sy, sx) = 0 Then Return 1 Else Return 0
End If
Const MaxQ As Integer = 200 '假設 queue容量 最大為 200
Dim qh(MaxQ) As Integer, qy(MaxQ) As Integer, qx(MaxQ) As Integer
Dim p As Integer = 0, r As Integer = 0 '佇列的頭、尾 {若p=r為空}
Dim h As Integer = 1, y As Integer, x As Integer
a(sy, sx) = 1 ' 將 起點 (sy,sx)及距離 h=1 放入 queue內 , 並a(sy,sx)設為 h
qh(r) = h : qy(r) = sy : qx(r) = sx : r = (r + 1) Mod MaxQ ' (h:sy,sx) 放進 queue尾
Do Until (p = r) '當 queue 為空時 結束迴圈
'取出 queue 的第1筆(頭) 資料 h , y , x
h = qh(p) : y = qy(p) : x = qx(p) : p = (p + 1) Mod MaxQ
For d = 0 To 3 '四個方向 找 a(ny,nx) = 0
Dim ny As Integer = y + dy(d), nx As Integer = x + dx(d)
If ny < 1 Or ny > n Or nx < 1 Or nx > n Then Continue For
If a(ny, nx) = 0 Then ' a(ny,nx)=0 :有路可走 h+1
If ny = gy And nx = gx Then Return h + 1 ' 終點
' 將此格資訊 h+1步,ny,nx 座標放入 queue 尾
a(ny, nx) = h + 1
qh(r) = h + 1 : qy(r) = ny : qx(r) = nx : r = (r + 1) Mod MaxQ ' (h:ny,nx) push 進 queue
End If
Return 0
End Function
in.txt 輸入檔
out.txt 輸出檔
No solution!
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